Tips to Heal Faster After a Root Canal


When most people hear the words "root canal," they often panic. It may feel extremely scary. However, if your dentist has recommended the procedure, it is probably in your best interest to consider it. It may be the only chance of saving your tooth that may be infected or badly decayed.

If you are considering a root canal, it is best to understand what happens during the procedure. The pulp gets removed from your tooth. The inside of your tooth is clean and sealed so that it won't cause you any more pain. 

You also need to know about the aftercare, before you schedule your appointment. Here are some tips to help you heal even faster after you have your root canal done. 

Don't eat for a few hours after your root canal is finished

Your mouth is going to be numb, so you aren't going to be able to eat for a few hours. Once the numbness wears off, you should be able to eat as normal.

Be careful what you eat and drink over the next few days

You should avoid drinking things that are too hot. You also want to avoid using a straw or eating anything that requires you to suck. This can really affect the area where you had a root canal. It is also important to avoid really hard foods, along with chewy foods. Too much biting and chewing can damage the area and cause you extra pain.  

Don't hesitate to take pain medication

You may experience some pain after your root canal, so you may want to try to stay ahead of it by taking over-the-counter pain medications. Your dentist may also prescribe some pain medication to help with the inflammation. If you are given these medications, take them as directed while your mouth is healing.

You should take these medications as suggested so that you don't feel any pain after the procedure. Don't wait until the pain is unbearable to try to take your medication. It is much easier to stay ahead of the pain than it is to try to get rid of the pain when you feel like you can't handle it anymore. 

Stay ahead of any possible infection

You can do this by rinsing your mouth out regularly. Put some salt in warm water to help you keep any infection at bay. 

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol

Smoking can hinder your healing, as well as drinking alcohol. Both can lead to swollen and painful gums, so it is best to give yourself a break from these for a few days. 

When you sleep, try to keep your head elevated

You may notice that you have some swelling around the area where you had the root canal. If you elevate your head when you are sleeping, it can help with the swelling (and some of the pain).

Take it easy for a few days

After you have your root canal, it is recommended that you avoid any strenuous activities for at least two or three days. You shouldn't plan on working out, playing sports, or doing physical labor while your mouth is trying to heal. Instead, use this time to let your mouth (and body) rest. 

If you want to heal well from your root canal, you may have to take it easy for a few days. You don't want to get an infection or suffer more pain because you overdid it. It is not worth it. So, make sure that you are careful with what you eat and drink over the next few days. You should avoid smoking and alcohol. It is also a good idea to stay away from strenuous activities for at least two or three days. Your body and mouth need time to heal. 

It is also important that you stay ahead of the pain and swelling. Take medications regularly, so you don't have to deal with any pain. Sleep with your head elevated. This can help decrease any swelling. You may also want to rinse your mouth out with salt water to keep infection at bay.


If you aren't happy with your dentist who is recommending a root canal, don't hesitate to contact us today. We will be glad to take a look at your mouth to see what your options are. You deserve a healthy smile, and we want to help you get there!


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